LDR | 00077nx j2200049 | |
001 | 9789 | |
250 | $a arheozoologie | |
901 | $a a $b a |
5 lucrari in 8 publicatii in 3 limbi
8 records Page 1 of 1
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The secondary products revolution in Macedonia : the zooarchaeological remains from Megalo Nisi Galanis, a late neolithic-early bronze age site in Greek Macedonia
Greenfield, Haskel J.; Fowler, Kent D.
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AIGEIRA I : Die Mykenische Akropolis. Faszikel 3 : Vormykenische keramik. Kleinefunde. Archaozoologische und archaobotanische hinterlassenschaften, naturwissenschaftliche Datierung
Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; Alram-Stern, Eva; Deger-Jalkotzy, Sigfrid
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Contribuții la istoria economică a Daciei romane : Studiu arheozoologic
Gudea, Alexandru I.
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The Late Neolithic of the Middle Danube Region : International Symposium on the Problems of the Transition from Middle to Late Neolithic in the Middle Danube Region, June 1997, Timișoara, Romania
Drașovean, Florin
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The origins of transhumant pastoralism in temperate southeastern Europe : a zooarchaeological perspective from the central Balkans
Arnold, Elizabeth R.; Greenfield, Haskel J.
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Vânători, pescari și crescători de animale în Banatul mileniilor VI î. Chr - I d. Chr
El Susi, Georgeta; Muzeul Banatului Timişoara
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Timișoara în amurgul Evului Mediu : Rezultatele cercetărilor arheologice preventive din centrul istoric
Muzeul Banatului Timişoara; Drașovean, Florin
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The animal remains of Medieval Verona: an Archeozoological and palaeoeconomical Study
Riedel, Alfred
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